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Below are a list of tactics that were completed when I managed a PR campaign for Andy Gilliland & Friends Annual Golf Benefit. The "RACE" document goes gives details about our research, analysis, communication and evaluation for the campaign. The objective of the campaign was to achieve a 90% satisfaction rate of the registration process by the date of the benefit. The tactics listed below are a general overview representation of all the work that was completed on the campaign. All work was completed by my group members. I was in charge of assigning and completing final edits as well as strategically planning the campaign in cooperation with the client's represenative.


The main goal of this campaign was to create a way for participants, sponsors and volunteers to register for the event online. A large focus of the campaign was working on creating a functional website that served those purposes. You can view the website here. We also created full social media plans to expand the reach of AGAF's messaging and promotional items such as souvenir golf ball designs, flyers and a brochure. Along those lines, we also branded AGAF by creating a primary, secondary and alternate logo, color scheme, preferred verbiage and more. You will find a representation of our work below.

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