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The tactics below are a representation of the campaign I completed with Fletcher Place Community Center located in Fountain Square. The community center itself houses a preschool, thrift store and food pantry. The focus of our campaign was on the preschool program. The objective of our campaign was to raise awareness of the Fletcher Place Preschool sponsorship program by 40% by May 3, 2014. The sponsorship program helps children who could not otherwise attend preschool attend at Fletcher Place Community Center. It was our job to raise awareness of the sponsorship program to increase the amount of students that could benefit from it. The work below was done by my team of associates. My job was to strategically plan the campaign to best help our client, based on our research and analysis and edit all the tactics into their final forms.


We started out the campaign by researching the community center as a whole and then focused in on the preschool. To start out, we wanted to brand the preschool separately from the community center, so we designed a style guide unique to the preschool. Then, we put together sponsorship information for potential sponsors of Fletcher Place Preschool, which included flyers, brochures and business cards. The community center puts on an event each year called the "Culinary Collage." It is a fundraiser for the community center, so we thought it would be the perfect place to display our work. For that reason, we wrote press releases about the Culinary Collage with hopes that Indianapolis media would pick up our story and promote the Culinary Collage so that more people would learn about Fletcher Place Preschool and its sponsorship program. We designed tactics such as a table tent flyer and a trivia card game to sit on the tables while people ate to help ensure they would have their attention drawn to the preschool booth. We also put together a sample sponsorship packet to give ideas of what could be sent out or handed out to potential sponsors of the preschool. The tactics included are tactics we have created including a sponsorship letter, fact sheet, contact card and more.  All of the tactics together go towards the overall goal of raising awareness of Fletcher Place Preschool’s Sponsorship Program. You will find most of our work below.





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